Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Stickin' it to the Man

 Recently I took part in the national immunization campaign here in Tanzania.  A four day event covering the entire country.  Close to 1000 children came through the health centre where i was working, to receive polio and measles vaccines as well as anti-worms medication and vitamin A (which I  was happy to note was donated by CIDA, or your tax dollars).  I was quite an interesting experience.  On the first day i played more of an observatory role.  I couldn't help but notice, however, that none of the sites where injections were occurring were being cleansed before injections were given.  A little perturbed, I asked why, thinking it was a resource constraint.  I was shocked to learn that the Government when issuing the vaccines had said not to cleanse the site first as the cleansing agent would kill the vaccine on entry.  I couldn't believe it.  (For all of you non-medical people, that is really bad, and totally unfounded.)  I suspect that the government didn't want to have to pay for all those swabs as well as the vaccines.  I have no evidence, however.  I would, though love to see the research done to prove that little fallacy.  After discussing with the nurse in charge how the reasons cited for not performing this essential task were completely unfounded, she agreed with me.  WIN!  It felt good.  She abruptly left and returned carrying alcohol swabs.  She even said, "The government may be wrong, but we can at least do it right here."  WIN.  I don't know if any of you have noticed but I have been really frustrated with the lack of change or willingness to change that I have encountered, it was nice to see a little difference being made.  And then after about half an hour, every alcohol swab in the hospital had been used up.  Less of a win, but at this point I'll take what i can get.

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